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Scenic Walton
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755 Grand Boulevard
Suite B105, #202
Miramar Beach, FL 32550
Our Work
Scenic Walton’s current projects include:
- Securing funding for pedestrian and cyclist facility projects
- Creating designs and securing funding for median landscaping projects
- Advocating for the undergrounding of overhead utilities
- Championing improvements to development codes for primary transportation corridors.
Read on to learn about some of our recent successes.

Bringing Safety and Beauty to Inlet Beach
Scenic Walton has played an instrumental role in the $5.6 million Inlet Beach underpass project, from helping secure its funding to leading the way on beautification efforts.

Earning a Scenic Byways Designation
Our recent accomplishments include assisting with County Route 30A’s successful application to earn a designation as a national scenic byway.

Creative Partnerships with Local Brands
We developed a creative partnership with local lifestyle brand 30A to sell specialty license plates with proceeds benefiting Scenic Walton.