Scenic America acknowledges the intent behind the Fix Our Forests Act to enhance forest health and reduce wildfire risks. It is clear that the devastating wildfires in Southern California are influencing the rate at which this legislation is making its way through Congress, having already passed the House of Representatives on Thursday, January 30, and receiving support from major utilities in California and beyond.
However, we are concerned that the bill’s focus on expediting vegetation management as a solution to preventing wildfires and protecting our energy infrastructure is overlooking a far more effective wildfire mitigation and grid hardening solution that also considers scenic beauty and the visual integrity of our forests and trees: the undergrounding of utility lines.
Overhead power lines are without question a significant ignition source for wildfires, especially as climate change intensifies weather extremes. Recent devastating fires, including the 2023 Maui wildfires and the 2018 Camp Fire in California, underscore the risks of overhead infrastructure. Investigations revealed that utility lines sparked both disasters, resulting in tragic loss of life, destruction of entire communities, and billions of dollars in damages.
Burying power lines mitigates fire risks, enhances infrastructure resilience, reduces maintenance costs, and preserves the natural beauty of our landscapes. Undergrounding is a proven, long-term solution that drastically lowers the likelihood of utility-caused wildfires, as demonstrated by PG&E’s own undergrounding efforts, which have been shown to be 98% effective in preventing wildfire ignition compared to overhead power lines.
While the Fix Our Forests Act aims to streamline vegetation management, we believe that a comprehensive approach should include undergrounding utility infrastructure. Tree clearing alone is not a sufficient wildfire prevention strategy when power lines remain vulnerable to high winds and dry conditions. Even combined with other wildfire mitigation strategies including wire covers and automatic shutoff devices, vegetation management is simply not as effective of a solution compared to undergrounding.
We urge lawmakers to incorporate provisions promoting the undergrounding of utility lines into the legislation. A sustainable, forward-thinking approach is necessary to protect communities, ensure public safety, and safeguard the scenic integrity of our nation’s forests.