Washington, DC – April 14, 2023 – Scenic America, the only national nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and protecting America’s scenic beauty, is proud to announce the launch of its new website, scenic.org. Visitors will also notice a revamped logo, as part of a larger effort to redesign the organization’s visual brand identity.
The new website focuses on the main principles of the organization’s mission and objectives, features large and attractive visuals of America’s most scenic views, and assists users in locating, learning about, and accessing America’s scenic byways, among other features.
Scenic America President Mark Falzone believes the new website and branding will help the organization put its best foot forward. “We’re an organization dedicated to scenic beauty, so we wanted our website to provoke the same objectives. We needed a website and logo that are as visually appealing as the scenes of America that we work so hard to protect, so it was important to us that our new look be clean, clear, and communicative. We believe this website and our new logo check all of those boxes, and look forward to feedback from the community.”
The website was developed by Scenic America in partnership with Blue State Digital, a firm based out of New York, NY, over the course of the last year. The overall goals of the project were to better communicate the organization’s mission, educate the public on the importance of scenic conservation, enhance the American experience through access to scenic byways, and provide the organization’s national chapters an official place to host news, resources, and additional content.
Scenic America’s new visual brand identity can be seen as a step forward with how the organization intends to present itself to the public. With a modernized look featuring an “S” shape adorned with natural leaf-like elements in a grass-like color, accompanied by strong sans-serif type, the logo provokes a clean, organic, and modern aesthetic, that communicates the organization’s environmental focus.
The launch of the organization’s new website and visual branding is the beginning of an increased emphasis on outreach and partnership. This is evident in the upcoming launch of a partnership with BMW North America, in which BMW will be donating to help Scenic America plant trees for every electric vehicle test drive taken between April 18 and May 1. For more information on this exciting program, please visit bmwusa.com.
Scenic America, founded in 1982, is the nation’s only 501(c)(3) organization dedicated solely to preserving, protecting, and enhancing the visual and scenic beauty of the United States and its territories. Based in Washington, DC, Scenic America currently has 46 state and local chapters and affiliates, and more than 80,000 members and supporters around the country.
Scenic America’s various accomplishments and contributions include:
- Supporting the establishment of the National Scenic Byways Program in 1991, and leading the effort in Congress to revive the program in 2019 and to restore dedicated funding in FY21, 22, and 23.
- Ensuring that the federal government and states uphold provisions of the Highway Beautification Act, helping to stop new billboard construction in hundreds of communities nationwide, and helping to successfully defend communities’ rights to ban digital billboards in the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Successfully advocating for federal support for utility undergrounding, programs in gateway communities, and other scenic priorities in the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
- Earning recognition from the American Society of Association Executives for our outstanding advocacy and communications work in 2020, 2021, and 2022.